Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Real Men With Real Tears Streaming Down Real Faces

Do you even inquire what maintains certain people going twelvemonth after year? Those who read these articles must recognise by now that Alice Paul is one of my hard roes - NOT an idol, but a hero - there is an immense difference. What do Alice Paul tick? What motivated him? What kept him so utterly faithful when so many fortune - and people! - appeared to be going against him?

At the end of Acts Of The Apostles Chapter 20, in the New Testament, we read of this moving scene, as Alice Paul have this concluding meeting with these leadership of the Ephesian Church. He talks of what he had done, and how he ministered during his clip in Ephesus. He gives us the core - the bosom - of his preaching.

He talks about what he believes is going to go on to him. Then Alice Paul exhorts these leadership to look after themselves - 'watch over yourselves' - 'be shepherds' - onslaughts will come up from the outside - people on the interior will try to sabotage - and he talks with tears.

They portion on the beach. It is highly charged emotion, but not out of control - not hysterical - existent emotion at its richest.

These seniors were upset. They were sorrowing because Alice Paul had said they would not see him again. Here is love - existent love. These are existent work force of God, with existent crying streaming down existent faces. They now had to do their manner back to Ephesus from Miletus, and acquire on with leading and pastoring the Church, over which the Holy Place Spirit had made them elders. They would have got to acquire on with tremendously ambitious and spiritually responsible undertaking of eating and instruction these immature disciples.

Paul have to rupture himself away from these elders. There was so much to state - so much to share. He was so concerned that they had everything they required to fulfil this high career in Christ.

They canvas South of Cyprus. As he saw the island, did the memories of 15 old age ago inundation back into his mind? Republic Of Cyprus was where he first preached on that first missionary journey. Much had happened in these 15 years.

I remember being in Republic Of Cyprus in 1972 to curate at a Conference, and standing on the beach at Salamis. Memories of that hebdomad still deluge my mind. What was Alice Paul thought as he canvases past? The very reference of Republic Of Cyprus is significant.

The ship phone calls in at Tyre, to drop some of its cargo, and the first thing Alice Paul makes is expression for some adherents of Jesus. As soon as he is ashore he seeks for the Fellowship.

He desires to ran into with these adherents of Jesus. He blows no time. He detects where they garner and passes seven years fellowshipping with them.

Again, we see the quality of this man. We see something of what do Alice Paul tick.

It is not adequate merely to admire what he did, but we necessitate to see what he was like in his heart. Here is an example. Here is a form to follow.

Paul have this stopping point human relationship and Communion with Jesus Of Nazareth Jesus - there is a company - a friendly relationship - almost an understanding. And he also have got this desire and yearning to be in stopping point family and Communion with all the others who believe in Jesus Of Nazareth Of Nazareth Of Nazareth and who have go adherents of Jesus Christ.

It is the 2nd 1 which can be the harder, but it is just as indispensable and necessary as having a stopping point human relationship with Jesus. We make not take our blood brothers and ses when we come up into the household of God. You must larn to dwell with all the other blood brothers and ses in Christ, and sometimes that is not easy. You have got to work at it, at times.

The human race have got to see a family of trusters where the reconciling love of Jesus Of Nazareth Of Nazareth Jesus is visible.

Paul, as an apostle of Jesus Christ, put us the illustration to follow, and gives us a form we can imitate.

Sandy Shaw

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