Thursday, July 5, 2007

Ace's Insights-Birds Don't Resemble Eggs!

Jalaluddin Rumi was born in Islamic State Of Afghanistan in 1207. His household consisted of scholars, legal experts and theologians. He and his family, fled Islamic State Of Afghanistan to avoid the Mongolian invasions and settled in Konya, Turkey. He was the original swirling dervish, a dance of surrender, that is still practiced in some spiritual ceremonials around the world.

Rumi's message of love and integrity have been translated by respective western scholars, I establish this piece in Coleman Barks book, "Rumi We Are Three." The book is dedicated to people in the San Francisco area, who attended one of Barks readings in 1986.

The messages in the book are for everyone, from every religion and every belief. Rumi's funeral in 1273, was attended by representatives from Christian, Jewish, Moslem and other religions, to honour the plant and life of this great teacher. His message united the liquor of all religions and he is still uniting people from all corners of the human race with his love and truth.

I am thankful for determination Rumi, he have changed my ideas and have aid me retrieve who I am; a spirit having a human experience.

From Rumi's Mathnawi,III, 3494-3516, bask this nutrient for thought:

"A friend comments to the Prophet, "Why is it I acquire screwed in concern deals? It's wish a spell. I go distracted by concern talking and do incorrect decisions."
The Prophet replies, "Stipulate with every dealing that you necessitate three years to do sure."

Deliberation is one of the qualities of God. Throw a domestic dog a spot of something. He whiffs to see if he desires it.

Be that careful. Sniff with your wisdom nose. Get clear. Then decide. The existence came into being gradually over six days. Supreme Being could have got just commanded, Be! Little by small a individual attains 40 and 50 and sixty, and experiences more than complete. Supreme Being could have got thrown full blown Prophets flying through the universe in an instant. Jesus Of Nazareth said one word, and a dead adult male sat up, but creative activity usually unfolds, like composure breakers.

Constant, slow motion learns us to maintain working like a little brook that corset clear, that doesn't stagnate, but happens a manner through numerous details, deliberately. Deliberation is born of joy, like a bird from an egg.

Birds don't resemble eggs! Think how different the brood out is.
Type A achromatic leathery serpent egg, a sparrow's egg; a quince bush seed, an apple seed: Very different things look similar at one stage.

These leaves, our carnal personalities, look identical, but the Earth of psyche fruit we make, each is elaborately unique."


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